I can read a great biography of my Prime Minister, I can even know what his favourite dessert is. How his house looks like, where he went to school and who his friends are. I may know what he believes about God, education, if he is a good administrator of his money or not, if he is liberal or conservative in his thinking, if his kids are well behaved... and the list goes on. I may know a lot more about him, that you. Or a lot less than you, yet at the end of the day, if we decide to go to his house and knock on the door, it does not matter how much we know about him but the person who will be allowed in and sit with him is the person the Prime Minister knows.
The same is with God. There are people that can recite every verse from the Bible by memory, they know all history and people. They know much about theology and can win an argument quite easily. Yet, they are not known by God. Others, know little about Him, their knowledge is increasing slowly and with much effort, their memory is not that great, they forget passages they "should" know, they read slower than others and their list of books does not seem to add as fast as others with more knowledge, they need much prayer because their flesh is weak, they battle constantly with the desires of their own heart. Yet, they are free to sit at His table, and eat with Him. They are known by God.
Now, I am not saying that reading and learning is useless. But the opposite! One that is known by God will naturally want to learn more about Him, because God himself will increase their love for Him, so that person will want to study and live a life that is holy.
Private prayer is essential, because it gives you assurance of your salvation. To pray and to read His word when no one is watching. You do it, because you truly love Him.Because He has given you love for Him. And that love, becomes irresistible!
O, to be known by God! That is the essence of Christianity! That is the why all works are useless, unless they are motivated by Him who give us the will to act according to His good purpose. O, to be known by God! Is the rest of mind to know that we can approach His throne with confidence, to be soaked by the blood of Christ to be His own. O, to be known by God! and know that every good act will be remembered, every tear kept, every prayer heard, through every trouble sustained. O what a comfort that is! ...To be known by God! To be welcomed into His house, comforted by His love, saved by His blood, forgiven by His grace.
The same is with God. There are people that can recite every verse from the Bible by memory, they know all history and people. They know much about theology and can win an argument quite easily. Yet, they are not known by God. Others, know little about Him, their knowledge is increasing slowly and with much effort, their memory is not that great, they forget passages they "should" know, they read slower than others and their list of books does not seem to add as fast as others with more knowledge, they need much prayer because their flesh is weak, they battle constantly with the desires of their own heart. Yet, they are free to sit at His table, and eat with Him. They are known by God.
Now, I am not saying that reading and learning is useless. But the opposite! One that is known by God will naturally want to learn more about Him, because God himself will increase their love for Him, so that person will want to study and live a life that is holy.
Private prayer is essential, because it gives you assurance of your salvation. To pray and to read His word when no one is watching. You do it, because you truly love Him.Because He has given you love for Him. And that love, becomes irresistible!
O, to be known by God! That is the essence of Christianity! That is the why all works are useless, unless they are motivated by Him who give us the will to act according to His good purpose. O, to be known by God! Is the rest of mind to know that we can approach His throne with confidence, to be soaked by the blood of Christ to be His own. O, to be known by God! and know that every good act will be remembered, every tear kept, every prayer heard, through every trouble sustained. O what a comfort that is! ...To be known by God! To be welcomed into His house, comforted by His love, saved by His blood, forgiven by His grace.