Thank you.

If you can pass my grammar errors and typos , then , you could enjoy my blog. I am not very good at writing, yet I write from my heart. You will know a little bit of me and the things that I treasure most in my life.
Thank you so much for visiting and for your grace and patience with me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

To my daughter!

May she have the faith of Sarah *
May she be as loyal as Ruth *
May she have the wisdom of Deborah always seeking truth *
May her prayers be heard like Hannah's *
May she have the favor of Esther *
May she be a helper like Priscilla always sharing love *
May she have the joy of Elizabeth *
May she have the strength of Abigail *
May she have a heart like Mary always praising God

Father above, bless my little one. May she grow to be a woman of God
 (a song/prayer by Kelly Willard)


Sara said...

So I guess now I know your list of girls names. :-)
What a beautiful message for your daughter. She'll be a lovely brunette!

Becky said...

You are rich indeed! He heard the longing if you heart...


Vanessa said...

Congratulations on expecting a wee pink one :) Two of my sister in-laws, as well as my natural sister, are expecting also. I pray for you as I pray for them -- that the Lord will protect you and your little blessing, and that this little one will love Jesus and know Him, if not already!

I hope you're feeling well. Pregnancy can be trying for some. :)

Norma said...

Thanks Vanessa, that is very kind of you.. I am very blessed!
Sis.. love you too..
Sara, thanks!... love you.