Thank you.

If you can pass my grammar errors and typos , then , you could enjoy my blog. I am not very good at writing, yet I write from my heart. You will know a little bit of me and the things that I treasure most in my life.
Thank you so much for visiting and for your grace and patience with me.

Friday, July 18, 2008

M is 10!!

So my son M. is 10!!. It is amazing to think that not long ago he was a baby. His favorite color since he can talk has been yellow, his smile has always been on his face, he has always been a happy and easy going boy, polite, respectful to his parents, wise, loving.... I would like to think that our parenting has helped him to be the boy he is today, but the truth is, M is a boy with an amazing personality. It has been the grace of God that gave us a boy that is easy to train and that his heart desires what is pleasing to Him. God has given him wisdom and understanding of the things that are good and he has taught me many lessons.

There are many things I could say about M, and none of them will express how proud I am to be his mom. You would just need to meet him to understand. He is less than one head shorter than me, and when he comes and still calls me mommy and gives me a hug no matter who is in front, and his prayers goes to the Lord saying: "please help me not to sin against you, and help me to please You in all I do", my heart wants to cry in gratitude to the Lord for giving me the honor to have a son like him.

I find no better joy than this: knowing that my kids walk in the truth... praise the Lord for His work in M's life. My prayer for him is the same since he was a little boy, that he will grow up to be a God fearing man.

With a very thankful heart for the gift of his life,

M...We love you!!!!


Twinklemoose said...

Happy birthday M____!

Sara said...

So what does a 10 year boy ask/receive for his birthday? I've got 4 birthdays to go before J. is 10!

Norma said...

He got a "wii". Well. it was for M and S. They are thrilled with it.