Thank you.

If you can pass my grammar errors and typos , then , you could enjoy my blog. I am not very good at writing, yet I write from my heart. You will know a little bit of me and the things that I treasure most in my life.
Thank you so much for visiting and for your grace and patience with me.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Not everything so sweet, but God's merciful patience!

Do you know those days that end not in the best note?... those days that you go to bed and you are upset at your words and the way your day ended with your kids?.. The other day, was one of them for me.. One of my boys misbehaved, I was upset, the boys and husband, all seemed like a big stir of emotions, and not necessarily the best of all or the ones I'm proud to write about. The condition of my heart and my son's heart.. the attitudes and the rest. We ended our day, not with our heart giving God all the glory and living the witness that we were called to. Well, par of me was happy that in a way, I could just close my eyes and say good night to that end of the day. even though there was repentance and forgiveness before going to bed.. it just seemed that I was not happy with the way it ended. The next morning, we had breakfast, had our Bible study and prayed together after breakfast. The son that was disrespectful the night before, prayed saying: "....Thank you God, that my life did not end yesterday when I was being disrespectful to my parents, and that You are giving me another day to repent and change, please help me to obey you in all I do today, Amen".
I was quiet, and then prayed God for the same thing. Thank You for your new mercies every morning. It is clear in my life and in my son's life, that God's purposes are wonderful! even when we sin, God is patient with us and merciful!. There is hope in Christ every morning, not that our salvation was lost because we sinned, but that we have a new day by God's grace to live a life in a way that is glorifying to Him.


Sara said...

We were talking about that last night at our Bible Study group. If you had lost your temper one night and then died would you still got to Heaven if you were a Christian but had sinned and not had a chance to repent. I mentioned that God knows our time and won't "zap" us for our sins. I used the example of King David's sin with BathSheba and how he did wrong but did repent and God forgave him, even that great sin. On the other hand King Saul rejected God and then God's spirit departed from him and he died apart from God. We were reading from 1 John chapters 1and then the last 10 verses of Chapter 5. The only unforgivable sin is to deny God and reject his sacrifice and forgiveness...The only sin that will lead to an eternal life apart from God.

Sara said...

I left that first comment but changed my sentences a little so decided to delete it and start over. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ibeleive you do not lose your salvation... it was just a way of saying that he was thankful that that is not the way his day ended, but God gave him a new day to change his ways and live a better day today,,. in a more honouring to Him. But I beleive that you cannot lose your salvation... Maybe I explained myself wrong.. Norma

Becky said...

Praise God for our children that teach us so much. Let us be attentive.
I love you.

Elyse said...

what an amazing job you have done in raising your son to be this way!! we all fall down, the important thing is that we keep gtting up.

Heather said...

These moments are so encouraging to me. Oh how I wish for my son the company of your sons.