Thank you.

If you can pass my grammar errors and typos , then , you could enjoy my blog. I am not very good at writing, yet I write from my heart. You will know a little bit of me and the things that I treasure most in my life.
Thank you so much for visiting and for your grace and patience with me.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

You do not undestand!

Why do I use this blog to write about me, my struggles, my thoughts, my reflections?... Why do I write about the Lord when there are millions of other subjects I can write about. I can write of a new way of thinking or an idea or a business.... the possibilities are endless. But why about God and the more personal things I go through?

You don't undersatand... He saved me! He saved me from a vomit pile.. He saved me when I was nothing. If you could just see my heart, my desires, what I could have become if it wasn't because of Him! He saved ME! He saved me, even though I did not asked for it... He saved me without my opinion or my wants.. He just did. He saved me for the pure pleasure of His will. I did not deserved being saved.. I did not deserved any of His goodness, and yet, He saved me, and gave me life when I was dead.

How can I use facebook or this blog for other things other that to speak of Him. That Jesus of Nazareth who willingly went to the cross, took my punishment and the shame that belonged to ME. He took it all. He forgave me of all my sins, of the ones I had not commited yet, He took them upon Him, He got the crown of thorns, the beatings according to the prophecies; He drank the vinegar; He was stripped of all His clothes, so that I might be clothed in righteousness. He died so that I might live. He was buiried and He rose again.... And God, the precious Father, accepted the sacrfice as His pay for my redemption. You don't understand.... HE SAVED ME!

How can I be quiet?.... How could I not use every moment and way to speak of Jesus who saved me! 
Oh! that I might be bolder!, Oh! that I might not be afraid so much !... Imagine....having such a great and sovereign God, and ... I am afraid? How ridiculus!..

Oh! If I could truly beleive and see the size of God, the power and the glory....but when  I see the works of His hands as I am writing this, looking out of the window and see the sky so black and the stars .. so many!, and the trees and flowers, ans sand, and how big and perfect all is... gives me a little glimps of the size of my Lord.    

This is my Lord, the One I cannot be quiet about!..
Why?........ because... HE SAVED ME!


Becky said...

I love this post, I don't know how I missed it!

Te amo, Sis!

Lulú Gómez said...

Normis, lindo lo que escribiste. Sobre todo por que conocemos absolutamente lo que piensas y lo que sientes. Gracias mi reina. Te amo, tu mami