Thank you.

If you can pass my grammar errors and typos , then , you could enjoy my blog. I am not very good at writing, yet I write from my heart. You will know a little bit of me and the things that I treasure most in my life.
Thank you so much for visiting and for your grace and patience with me.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thoughts on secret prayer

The Bible teaches us: "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

It teaches us, that we should go into our room, close the door and pray. This is a big difference that should be evident from the believer to the unbeliever. This should be a great mark of the faith that we profess. When the ungodly, goes into his room and closes he door, it usually is to do something that is sinful; something he hides because he cannot do in public. He goes and does these things privately and do not announce them because they are shameful to brag about. Yet, those sins he does secretly, will be exposed publicly on the great day of the Lord. That should be of terror to him.

But to the Godly, when he goes into his room and closes the door, he prays. He does this act secretly, knowing that His Lord hears. He does not sin, but confesses his sins. Those private sins of the heart, those desires and thoughts he struggles with. And he does not brag about this secret time, because there is nothing to brag about, it was a humbling time in the presence of his Lord. It is at this time, that all the secret prayers are placed before His throne where the most intimate prayers are offered to the Lord. And it is there where the Lord hears in secret. And just as the sins of the ungodly will be exposed, so will be those secret prayers answered on the great day... for all to see, and for me to see and remember even those answered prayers that He heard and I payed little attention when they were answered. That should be of great joy to us who believe in Him and love Him.

Many are looking for an emotional experience in their churches, when they pray together, at the worship service,... but little is sought of the Lord in private. When no one but the Lord should supplying that need. You can have a most marvelous time alone with the Lord, time filled with emotions, when your batteries are charged, when your faith renewed, because you see those prayers said in secret answered! What a blessed assurance that you belong to Christ!

“Fill your affections with the cross of Christ that there may be no room for sin.” John Owen
Seek those emotions privately, inside your room, with your doors closed. Tears of repentance should flow constantly, as well as laughs of joy to see your sins forgiven. Perform your prayers in a way that have heat and life in them, that they may be acceptable to God.

If you thank Him, thank Him with sincerity; if you confess, be truly sorry; if you rejoice, may it be evident; if you lament, may it be with constriction of heart; if you tell Him of your love for him, be honest; when you beg him, be persistent.

O what a blessed privilege to go before His throne, to be allowed in His courts, to be heard by God and have Jesus praying to the Father in our behalf!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


My boys are growing up... yes I am happy and sad at the same time. I am nervous and secure. Afraid and trusting. Excited and sad. All of those emotions, rushing through me. But I have been a mom of young boys for so long I need to learn how to make the transition to be a mom of older boys (young man and teen agers), later on, how to be a mom of adult men.

WOW! when I had them, this time seemed so far away, almost as if it was never going to come. But here I am, facing a different stage of my life.

So I got a book (still waiting for it) called: You Never Stop Being a Parent (recommended to me by my sister). Well as I wait for it to arrive, I am noticing how much I need it. I need to learn to do a healthy transition and to have a "more adult relationship" with them as they grow up. Learn what they like now as their tastes change, their personalities mature, their conversations are deeper and their opinion needs to be heard and considered even more (because, they do have great things to say with views I never though and opinions I never considered).

I am reading the Bible this week and this is what I read in 1 Thes. 2:11-12:
For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.

It says it as if it is something natural for a father  to do this with their children: encouraging, comforting and urging them to live lives worthy of God. I would like to think of myself as if this is the way I deal with my children all the time, but more times than I wish, I deal with them in a "not so godly way". I show them not as much grace as God has shown me or even as much grace as they have shown me.

If I can keep these 3 things in mind every day, I think my transition will be easier. I may have to write them on a wall or place them i a place that I will be reminded often so I do not forget.

                          Encourage, Comfort and Urge them to live lives worthy of God.

The difficulty, is that you want to still parent your adult children but your children are adults or growing to be adults themselves! I need to learn to respect their different opinions, acknowledge that they can teach me things and admire them, agree that sometimes we will have different points of view, different likes and different ideas. The only thing that does not change is the Lord. But adapting to our new growing kids is hard. I am blessed to have the children I have, very forgiving and patient with me. They let me learn and make mistakes. Accept that what they used to love as young kids, maybe they do not like as much any more, and be humble and watchful of my words all the time. These are future men.

This transition is one that I am learning, but I want to learn it, watch others that have successfully done this transition and learn from them. Having a good and healthy relation with them where they are safe to talk and know that they are listened. Specially (not sure if specially) boys, they will be heads of their families, bread winners, teachers of their homes, ... I need to equip them. The Lord needs to equip them, and I am grateful for books and helps I can get my hands on to help me in the process.

So as for now, may the Lord give us wisdom as we move from one stage to the next in our lives.

Can't wait to get my book!


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness.
 Is. 5:20

The good will be seen as bad and the bad will be seen as good. Never realized in how many ways this is true and happening more and more every day. We see it obvious in many ways. Yet in others, is more settled.

These days, kids are not taught too hard, education itself is water down. Books that our kids are asked to read are very simple and with so little value in them. Nothing profitable in them, nothing to push for a higher way of thinking... and if you ask the teachers, or parents, the answer is: "Well, at least they are reading!" So the standards have lowered, the high view of children and youth, is not so high anymore. "As long as they are happy" is the new motto, with a high self esteem, and praise them for everything even things that are not worth praising. So the low level of education is good as long as they are happy people. On the other hand, we see that the "bad" is exalted and given an incredible amount of value.

The importance of teaching  and let them being exposed to drugs, teen sex, bullies, same sex relations, parties, ... is OK, after all, we cannot shelter them too much, right?   They need to know, they need to be exposed and make their own opinions and choices.

Yet, sadly, these kids of today, have no opinion of their own, other than the one expressed by their peers, media and the system, selling them ideas that if they disagree in any way, they are consider ignorants, or intolerant. So really, they have no apparent option other than to agree.

How can one have an opinion on issues on abortion for example if you ask them basic questions about the human body and they have no idea. How can they have the smallest sense of opinion, when everything they hear is made to put down the opposite side. Isn't it way easier for a young boy or girl to go with the crowd than to educate himself ? And if he decides to educate himself, then he is expected to be called "ignorant".

Having an opinion is way more than just follow what the majority thinks. Having an opinion, involves reading, reading good literature... educating the mind.

The Greeks and Romans, saw children as "future adults", and wanted to train them in that way and filled their minds with literature and knowledge. In the middle ages, the view of children was not as high specially if you were poor... you were to work  in the trade of your parents, so reading ... was not in the agenda. Later, with the Puritans, the importance of the soul was so heavy for them, that wanted even children to learn to read so that they could read the Bible for themselves, understand it and repent. Now a days, as long as they are reading - we are happy. The education of the mind or soul has little value... entertainment is number one on parents and teachers' lists.

No more reading for "learning and pleasure"... now, is just pleasure and if it has anything to learn from it, is a bonus.

Lets help our children think for themselves. Train them well, educate them. Just because they are reading, is not enough! What are they reading should be of great importance in our minds. Do not adopt the standard of the world but take the standard of Jesus. Growing in knowledge and understanding before men and God.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


One of my many blessings ...

    I have surrounded myself  trough out  my life with godly women, and it has been a great blessing to me. It helped me to grow and mature in different areas. And as I grew older, I was very careful on who was going to be close to me, because I knew the influence a friend can have on a person.

-  Be careful to pick your friends well. Pick those you admire in some way. They will have mistakes, but those traits that you admire and want to learn, pay close attention to those!

- Be friends of those you can talk about the Lord freely. That you can be excited to share what you read last night and to hear what she read last night. What the Lord is dealing with you.

- Avoid those women that complain easily, they will drag you down very quickly. They could be very nice people, but complaining ones are very damaging to a friendship.

- If they speak well of their husbands and love their children... stick to them! It is contagious!

- Are they passionate about the Lord or they love to read good doctrine, learn from them.

- Can you laugh with them? or is it all serious all the time? For me, I love to have a good laugh, have a tea, some munchies, paint my nails crazy and just have fun. Yet with the same person, I can pray the next second.

- Some friends will be those that you see very often, some you will see once in a while, but friends that are worth keeping, keep! make an effort to continue their friendship, learn the good, find the good, admire them, keep them in your prayers so that the Lord bless them so that you may continue to be blessed through them.

- Do you disagree doctrinally with some? it is OK!, they will encourage you to seek the Scriptures on hard topics. Do they ask you about your heart? Do they motivate you to learn more?, then, keep them!

- One important thing, LEARN from them. Do not be so quick to be the one who want to "teach" them, but look for the things you need to learn and be humble enough to learn from them.

- Share them ... do not be so possessive over your friends that it becomes a burden to them or to you.

- Over the years, I have had many friends that have influenced my life greatly, I could name each and the things they have taught me.. I have thought of writing a post on it, yet I am afraid it will be so long and that I will miss someone! The list is growing.. and some of those friends have been in my life for so little time, and yet, I still remember the impact in my life. Yet I might write the names with the blessing they have been to me in a note book, so I can add people as I remember them.

What a great book of thanks giving that will be!
So to all my friends and sisters, that have impacted my life and to help me grow and to love me in spite of me, for praying and for being so patient with me all these years, and for my newer friends that I am so blessed to know now (some not in person yet) thank you!