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If you can pass my grammar errors and typos , then , you could enjoy my blog. I am not very good at writing, yet I write from my heart. You will know a little bit of me and the things that I treasure most in my life.
Thank you so much for visiting and for your grace and patience with me.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thoughts on secret prayer

The Bible teaches us: "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

It teaches us, that we should go into our room, close the door and pray. This is a big difference that should be evident from the believer to the unbeliever. This should be a great mark of the faith that we profess. When the ungodly, goes into his room and closes he door, it usually is to do something that is sinful; something he hides because he cannot do in public. He goes and does these things privately and do not announce them because they are shameful to brag about. Yet, those sins he does secretly, will be exposed publicly on the great day of the Lord. That should be of terror to him.

But to the Godly, when he goes into his room and closes the door, he prays. He does this act secretly, knowing that His Lord hears. He does not sin, but confesses his sins. Those private sins of the heart, those desires and thoughts he struggles with. And he does not brag about this secret time, because there is nothing to brag about, it was a humbling time in the presence of his Lord. It is at this time, that all the secret prayers are placed before His throne where the most intimate prayers are offered to the Lord. And it is there where the Lord hears in secret. And just as the sins of the ungodly will be exposed, so will be those secret prayers answered on the great day... for all to see, and for me to see and remember even those answered prayers that He heard and I payed little attention when they were answered. That should be of great joy to us who believe in Him and love Him.

Many are looking for an emotional experience in their churches, when they pray together, at the worship service,... but little is sought of the Lord in private. When no one but the Lord should supplying that need. You can have a most marvelous time alone with the Lord, time filled with emotions, when your batteries are charged, when your faith renewed, because you see those prayers said in secret answered! What a blessed assurance that you belong to Christ!

“Fill your affections with the cross of Christ that there may be no room for sin.” John Owen
Seek those emotions privately, inside your room, with your doors closed. Tears of repentance should flow constantly, as well as laughs of joy to see your sins forgiven. Perform your prayers in a way that have heat and life in them, that they may be acceptable to God.

If you thank Him, thank Him with sincerity; if you confess, be truly sorry; if you rejoice, may it be evident; if you lament, may it be with constriction of heart; if you tell Him of your love for him, be honest; when you beg him, be persistent.

O what a blessed privilege to go before His throne, to be allowed in His courts, to be heard by God and have Jesus praying to the Father in our behalf!


Julie said...

Thank you for this reminder. I very much enjoyed reading this.

Norma said...

Thank you Julie, I appreciate you reading my blog :) blessings.